Sunbeam Electric Blanket - Shoppers Guide

sunbeam electric blanket

Sunbeam electric blanket is the number 1 electric blanket in the market. Consider the following tips before you get one:

Shoppers Guide to Buying Electric Blankets

Features to consider:

Built-in Timer: A built-in timer with an automatic shutoff is an economical safety feature so that the electric blanket is not left on once you are out of bed. The automatic timer feature will save on additional electric costs and reduce the risk of leaving the blanket on for hours on end when not in use.

Dual Controls: Some varieties feature dual controls for heat settings. For couples who share the same bed dual heat controls allow each person to regulate the temperature to their own personal comfort level so there will be no more arguing over one person being too hot or too cold.

Safety Precautions:

1) Never place a book or papers on the blanket for any length of time, when it is in use, due to the remote risk of fire.

2) Always turn off the item, if it does not have an automatic shut-off, upon rising. An electric blanket should never be left on unattended.

3) Never sleep with it directly on your skin. You should always have a sheet between you and an electric blanket.

4) If you are not comfortable leaving it turned on while you are sleeping, an alternative way to keep warm is to place the it on top of your sheet and let it warm the bed for a few minutes before bedtime. Once you are ready for bed, simply unplug the item and cover up with the warmed covers. Heat will be retained in the covers and your body heat will help to keep your bed toasty and warm.

5) Always check the cord for wear and tear.

Cleaning and care:

Electric blankets have come a long way since the early days when they were quite cumbersome and were not able to be washed. Newer varieties are now machine washable. Check the manufacturer's cleaning instructions for safe cleaning.

There are many sizes to buy including king, queen, single, twin, and double. Larger sizes usually cost slightly more, but also cover a larger area. They provide warmth and comfort during cold weather. An electric blanket and a sheet may replace the need for several heavy blankets and comforters. High quality products can be purchased at reasonable prices so you will be sure to find an item to suit your style and budget. Purchasing an electric blanket online is a simple way to get the best value for the size, colour and style that you desire.

Find a range of electrical products including; electric blankets, food processors and microwave ovens from leading brand names online.

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Hope you find the right Sunbeam electric blanket.

sunbeam electric blanket

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